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👀 What is Sofistic.AI ?

Sofistic.AI is the Financial Advisor’s best friend. Clients seek personalized advice, regardless of where and how their wealth is invested. Leveraging data aggregation for a comprehensive view of the client's financial situation, and the latest AI technologies to streamline and simplify everyday tasks, we aim to provide Financial Advisors with the tools they need. Our goal is to help them deliver the service their clients dream of, simply and effortlessly.

🚩 Mission

“Optimize financial decision-making and advising through ethical AI & data-driven solutions, ensuring clients & stakeholders prosper through secured technologies in an ever-evolving financial landscape.”

We are dedicated to leveraging innovative AI technology and data analytics to redefine how financial decisions are made, with the overarching goal of maximizing client wealth and ensuring financial well-being.

Open Positions

Job Positions

🪴 Life at Sofistic.AI

Our offices in Montreal’s vibrant Cité du Multimedia neighbourhood.

Our offices in Montreal’s vibrant Cité du Multimedia neighbourhood.

Breakfast and lunch is provided free to all employees.

Breakfast and lunch is provided free to all employees.

“A good manager doesn't fire people. He hires people and inspires people. People, Ryan. And people will never go out of business.” — Micheal Scott

How to Apply

Please send us your CV, cover letter, and other examples of your qualifications by email to [email protected].

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